Account for mobile number
${ defaultAccount.phone_formatted }

Please wait... Loading animation

${ overdueAccount.message }

Service closure reminder: you will not be able to renew your service after 30 June 2024. Any 30-day plans will remain valid until their expiry date, up to 30 July 2024. If you wish to keep your mobile number, please transfer it to another provider before that date. Please see our FAQs for more information.

Service closure reminder: you will not be able to renew your service after 30 June 2024. Any 365-day plans will remain valid until their expiry date, up to 30 September 2024. If you wish to keep your mobile number, please transfer it to another provider before that date. Please see our FAQs for more information.

Service closure reminder: you will not be able to renew your service after 30 June 2024. Any Broadband and Home Phone plans will remain valid until their expiry date, up to 30 July 2024. Please transfer to another provider before that date. Please see our FAQs for more information.

Service closure reminder: you will not be able to top-up your service after 30 June 2024. Any International Roaming plans will remain valid until their expiry date, up to 30 July 2024. If you wish to keep your mobile number, please transfer it to another provider before that date. Please see our FAQs for more information.

Please note: usage records may be delayed by up to 48 hours.


Top up due: Amount due: $${ payments.total_due } Loading animation $${ (parseFloat(payments.total_due) + parseFloat(topUpPlans[0].costToUse/100)).toFixed(2) } Loading animation
Date due: ${ defaultDueAmountAccount.due_date_formatted_complete }
Renewal period: Usage period: ${ defaultAccount.billed_from_formatted } - ${ defaultAccount.billed_to_formatted }
Auto renew:
Payments are disabled.

Shared data

${ Math.ceil(sharedDataUsedPercentage) }% used of ${ formatMBtoGB(sharedDataAllocated) }

Loading... Loading animation


${ account.phone_formatted }

Your account is overdue. Make a payment to avoid suspension.

${ }

Make payment:

Update credit card details

Australia Post Broadband is closing - please transfer your service to another provider.

Current plan:
${ account.product.plan }
${ account.product.speed }
Account no.:
${ account.i_customer }
${ account.product.address }
Due date:
${ account.due_date_formatted_complete }

Your plan has expired and your service is suspended. Payments are disabled as Australia Post Mobile is closing. If you wish to keep your mobile number, please transfer it to another provider.

This account has been suspended due to non-payment. You can unsuspend it by paying now.

This account has been suspended due to plan expiry or using up all your inclusions. You can unsuspend it by paying now.

${ }

Select payment method:

Make payment:

Update credit card details

${ account.paying_overdue_message }

${ account.paying_overdue_message }

Current plan:
${ }
New plan:
${ account.switch_plan_name }
Expires: Renews:
${ account.next_billed_from_formatted }
${ account.local_data_used_percentage }% used of ${ formatMBtoGB(account.local_data_allocated) }
${ account.rollover_data_used_percentage }% used of ${ formatMBtoGB(account.rollover_data_allocated) } rollover
No rollover data currently
$${ account.idd_used } used of $${ account.idd_allocated } international talk
No international talk included
${ account.roaming_data_used_percentage }% used of ${ account.roaming_data_allocated }MB data
${ account.sms_used } used of ${account.sms_allocated } sms
No sms available
${ account.idd_used } used of ${ account.idd_allocated } minutes talk
No talk minutes included
${ account.days_remaining } days left
  • ${promotion.description}
  • $${promotion.idd} international talk
  • Expires on ${promotion.expiryDate}
  • Remaining renewals: ${promotion.renewals}

Confirm payment

We will charge your saved credit card (${paymentMethod.number}) $${ (overdueAccount.amount/100).toFixed(2) }
No, thank you

Australia Post


Please correct the following error(s):

  • · ${ error }
You don't currently have any active services. If you wish to reactivate please contact us.

To update your details please contact customer support.


Gift 1GB of your data to another on an Australia Post Mobile plan. You can gift up to ${ is365Plan() ? '60GB' : '5GB' } per renewal period.

You'll be sending 1GB of data from ${ defaultAccount.phone_formatted }, which has ${ formatMBtoGB(defaultAccount.local_data_remaining + defaultAccount.rollover_data_remaining) } remaining, to ${ formatPhone(gifting.receiver) }.

Please enter a valid phone no. starting with 04xxx.

You've successfully gifted 1GB of data to ${ formatPhone(gifting.receiver) }.

Gifting failed. ${ gifting.message }

This account can't gift data because it has less than 1.5GB remaining.

Buy additional data to use within Australia.

Adding data... Loading animation



Data will expire ${ defaultAccount.next_billed_from_formatted }

${ localData.message }

Australia Post


Please correct the following error(s):

  • · ${ error }

Confirm payment

We will charge your saved credit card (${paymentMethod.number}) $5
No, thank you

Important! Ensure you resume the relevant MSN in Marge before reactivating.

List of cancelled SIMs

Successfully reactivated the service in Cindy.
${ reactivation.message }
Failed to reactivate the service in Cindy.
Phone number
Service number
Current plan
New plan
${ phoneNums.phone_formatted }
${ phoneNums.i_account }
${ phoneNums.product.sku }

Confirm reactivation

Reactivation will apply to service number ${ reactivation.serviceNumber } onto plan SKU ${ reactivation.selected }
No, thank you

Buy additional data, SMS and talk with a 30-day expiry to use while travelling overseas.

Topping up... Loading animation
${ localData.message }

Due to delayed usage records from overseas carriers, you have used inclusions beyond your plan allowance. A $${payments.total_due} catch up payment will be added to any top up you amount you select.


  • ${plan.dataMB}MB data
  • ${plan.sms} SMS
  • ${plan.idd} minutes talk

Top ups are disabled.

Top ups are not available for this plan type.

Confirm payment

We will charge your saved credit card (${paymentMethod.number}) $${topUpModalData.amount.toFixed(2)}.
This includes $${topUpModalData.overage.toFixed(2)} of catch up payments.
No, thank you

Australia Post


Please correct the following error(s):

  • · ${ error }

All mobile plans include unlimited standard Australian talk and text.

${ defaultAccount.local_data_used_percentage }% used of ${ formatMBtoGB(defaultAccount.local_data_allocated) } plan data
${ defaultAccount.rollover_data_used_percentage }% used of ${ formatMBtoGB(defaultAccount.rollover_data_allocated) } rollover data
No international talk included
$${ defaultAccount.idd_used } used of $${ defaultAccount.idd_allocated } international talk
${ defaultAccount.days_remaining } days left

Current plan details

  • ${ }GB data
  • $${ defaultAccount.product.idd } of international talk
  • Unlimited standard Australian talk and text
  • Renews every ${ defaultAccount.product.days } days
Plan cost
$${ defaultAccount.product.cost }
Remaining plan data
${ formatMBtoGB(defaultAccount.local_data_remaining) }
Remaining rollover data
${ formatMBtoGB(defaultAccount.rollover_data_remaining) }
Days left
${ defaultAccount.days_remaining }
Renewal date
${ defaultAccount.next_billed_from_formatted }

Want to change plan?

We have multiple plans available and there might be another that suits you better.

Select from the plans below to change your current plan. This will take effect at the start of your next renewal period.

Please wait while we switch your plan... Loading animation

${ upgradeMessage }

${ plan.size }
$${ ((plan.price + } /${plan.days}-days
${ }GB
included data

Includes these great features:

Data rollover up to 100GB.#
${plan.days} days expiry, no lock-in contracts.
Unlimited standard Australian talk & text.
Data is shared with SIMs in your account.¹
Gift mobile data to your mates.²
Coverage guarantee.³
$50 of international calls to any country.
$300 of international calls to any country.

Critical Information Summary

This account has been paid for the next renewal period. If you want to upgrade/downgrade in the future, you can do so after ${ defaultAccount.next_billed_to_formatted }.


# Rollover up to 100GB of unused data when you renew an eligible plan before expiry.

¹ All data is automatically shared across eligible services on the same account in Australia.

² Data gifting is only available between AP Mobile users on eligible plans. 1GB per gift, up to a max of 5GB/60GB per renewal period (being 30/365 days). Gifting is unavailable if you have under 1.5GB and expires at the end of the recipient’s expiry period

³ If you have coverage issues, return to your place of purchase, or contact us on 1300 196 916. Mobile coverage issues include dropped calls, data drop outs, problems with SMS/MMS, inability to connect to data while on the move, or poor reception at your home, place of work or holiday home or slow data speeds. Coverage will vary depending on your device and location and other factors. This Coverage Guarantee does not affect any rights you may have under the Australian Consumer Law. We reserve the right to investigate any issue and advise whether or not you are eligible to make a claim. We may also request evidence of any coverage issue with Australia Post Mobile at our discretion.

Usage subject to Fair Go Policy. The AP Mobile service is provided by Australian Post Corporation on the Optus Network and your device must have the ability to operate on that network.

Confirm plan change

Your plan will be changed at the start of your next renewal period.
No, thank you

Payment settings

Service closure reminder: you will not be able to renew your service after 30 June 2024. Any 30-day plans will remain valid until their expiry date, up to 30 July 2024. If you wish to keep your mobile number, please transfer it to another provider before that date. Please see our FAQs for more information.

Service closure reminder: you will not be able to renew your service after 30 June 2024. Any 365-day plans will remain valid until their expiry date, up to 30 September 2024. If you wish to keep your mobile number, please transfer it to another provider before that date. Please see our FAQs for more information.

Service closure reminder: you will not be able to renew your service after 30 June 2024. Any Broadband and Home Phone plans will remain valid until their expiry date, up to 30 July 2024. Please transfer to another provider before that date. Please see our FAQs for more information.

Service closure reminder: you will not be able to top-up your service after 30 June 2024. Any International Roaming plans will remain valid until their expiry date, up to 30 July 2024. If you wish to keep your mobile number, please transfer it to another provider before that date. Please see our FAQs for more information.

Payment due date
${ defaultDueAmountAccount.due_date_formatted_complete }
To setup auto renew please add a credit card
(auto renew not available for International Roaming plans)
Payments are disabled.
Saved payment details
Credit Card - ${ paymentMethod.number } (update) (remove) Updating...Loading animation UPDATED FAILED
Auto renew
Payments are disabled.
Use the top up menu to add to your inclusions
Top ups are disabled.

Your service(s) are currently suspended for non-payment. Please return to the Overview page and make a payment from the main screen.

All of your mobile services are currently suspended for non-payment. Please return to the Overview page and make a payment from the main screen.

Your next renewal payment

Service address
Phone number
${ account.phone_formatted }
${ }
${ account.switch_plan_name }

Thanks for your payment

${ account.voucher_message }

Payment has been successful
Additional charges
${ payments.message }. We'll just update your account.
Note: this will pay for your next renewal period.
Note this will pay for your next renewal period.
If you have run out of data you can also tick ‘plan reset’ after you click the button.
You are running low on data - you can reset your plan now.
You have run out of data - you can reset your plan now.

Confirm payment

We will charge your saved credit card (${paymentMethod.number}) $${ payments.total_due }
We will charge your credit card $${ payments.total_due }

If you choose to reset your plan a new ${ defaultAccount.product.days } day renewal period will begin immediately for all services in the account. Your data allowance and any International talk inclusions will be reset.

No, thank you

Confirm payment

Your voucher (${voucherDialogInfo.voucherCode}) will apply to mobile (${voucherDialogInfo.accountPhone})

If you choose to reset your plan a new ${ defaultAccount.product.days } day renewal period will begin immediately for all services in the account. Your data allowance and any international talk inclusions will be reset.

No, thank you

Confirm plan reset

If you choose to reset your plan a new ${ defaultAccount.product.days } day renewal period will begin immediately for all services in the account. Your data allowance and any International talk inclusions will be reset.
No, thank you

Processing...please wait and do not refresh your browser or leave this page.

Confirm Credit Card Removal

Are you sure you wish to remove this credit card from your account? This will also turn off your auto-renew.
No, thank you

Australia Post


Please correct the following error(s):

  • · ${ error }
Order history (This will redirect)

Our friendly customer service team is here for you.

Send message

Call us now (free call): 1300 196 916 or +61 2 8599 2221